Mixed Martial Arts
Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Come visit our MMA gym in Orange County to train under an elite competitor and leave here a more complete martial artist.
At Team Oyama you’ll learn the best combination of martial arts for self-defense or competition. Expect to work striking, takedowns, and sparring with your opponent in this class.
Required: Headgear, boxing gloves, MMA gloves, shin guards, and mouthpiece.
This program teaches you how to combine your striking and grappling skills so fighters can achieve dominant positions and deliver damage while protecting yourself from the opponent’s counters. Heavy bags don’t hit back and sparring with a training partner provides instant feedback about your ability to defend yourself.
You’ll learn striking for MMA which prepares you to throw punches and kicks while defending an opponent’s potential takedowns. Taking our MMA class also prepares you to disengage from an opponent that is trying to hold onto you and throw strikes or get a takedown of your own.
Full Access Membership - All Classes
12 Month Contract: $219/month + $85 enrollment fee (1 time fee)
Month to Month Contract: $328/month + $85 enrollment fee (1 time fee)
12 Month Paid in Full: $2448 + $0 enrollment fee